Serving Amateur Radio in the Sonoma Valley Wine Country

Monthly meetings are held in the City of Sonoma Emergency Operations Center, which is located at the rear of the Sonoma Police Department, 175 1st Street West in Sonoma.
A weekly net is held each Wednesday at 7:30PM (except meeting nights) on 145.350- (PL 88.5Hz). This net is open to all licensed amateurs.
Members gather for breakfast on the first Saturday of the month at Black Bear Diner at 8:30AM.
These are just a few of the events that take place throughout the year.
Our club call, W6AJF, is in honor of Frank Jones, one of Amateur Radio's original pioneers. See his biography under Club History.
Upcoming Events:
Monthly Meeting
Date: Wed, Apr 16, 7:30 PM
Topic: TBD
Location: Sonoma Police Station EOC Room, 175 1st Street West, Sonoma and via Zoom
Sonoma Hamfest
Date: Sat, Apr 26
Location: First Congregational Church, 252 W Spain St, Sonoma.
Weekly Net
Date: Wednesdays (7:30 PM), except meeting nights
Repeater: 145.350 MHz repeater (-600 kHz, 88.5 Hz tone)
Breakfast Nets
Dates: Tuesdays and Saturdays (7:30 AM)
Repeater: 146.205 MHz repeater (+600 kHz, 88.5 Hz tone)